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Earn Money From Home with 6 Easy Automated Income Streams! Earn Money From Home Blog: October 2009
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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Benefits of Blogging and Social Bookmarking

This article talks about how to get more free traffic to your website. The below article explains why it is important to use social bookmarking to help you get a march larger exposure to your website. To know more about the author, go here.


To get the most out of a blog article you should also be social bookmarking it. In this article we will take a look at how to combine blogging and social bookmarking to get the maximum results for your business.

Blogging is where you put your thoughts down in the Internet where people can find them. You can think of a blog as a diary of your thoughts.

Social bookmarking takes your blog post one step further. There are social directories that you can bookmark your blog posts into such as Digg, Stumbleupon, Propeller, and literally thousands more.

The benefit of bookmarking any blog post is that you are creating a back link to your blog for people to find you. You are also creating a backlink to your blog for search engines to find you.

Regardless of how popular your blog is it is to your benefit bookmark your blog posts into the social directories because most of them will be more popular than your blog. This makes sense because a directory such as Stumbleupon has literally getting millions of visitors every day, whereas your own blog may only be receiving a few hundred or a few thousand visitors a day.

Therefore you social bookmark a blog post for the potential traffic you can receive, and to serve as search engine bait. If you do not social bookmark your blog post into some of the top directories you are limiting the potential benefits from them.

If you've done Internet marketing in the past you may understand a little bit about search engine optimization. Search engines need you to tell them what your blog post is about so that they can rank it high for their searchers.

So when you do a blog post you should include relevant keywords where search engine can find them. The easiest way to do this is to put them right at the beginning of the title, include them in your introduction paragraph, and include them again in your closing paragraph. You might even want to bold them for additional emphasis.

You can also include variations of these key words in the body of your blog article as it sounds natural. By doing this you are helping the search engines understand what your blog article is about and they will reward you with a higher ranking for that specific keyword phrase.

This is a few ideas on blogging and social bookmarking. The benefits of using the two together can result in additional quality traffic for your business.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Backlinks and Rankings

If you want to know more about getting up high on the search engine rankings, get more backlinks! Now what are backlinks and how does it affect your rankings. The article below written by Jack Murphy, explains very well about this.

Your website pagerank depends to a very great extent on inbound links, also known as backlinks. Your page content is also very important but these backlinks are an absolute necessity of search engine positioning. In order that a website can appear in the top rank of search engines like Google without your having to pay a lot of money for advertising, the website has to have a large number of backlinks.

Let's get the definition right so that we understand what these website pagerank links are. Backlinks are links on one website that lead back to another (your) website, so it is indeed correct to refer to them as "inbound" links in relation to your own site.

The better established, the higher the quality and the higher the PageRank of the website that contains the links, the greater the power it has to assist your linked website with its search engine position. If the website that is receiving the inbound links gets many high quality, high PR backlinks, the better the likelihood of it being in a high ranking on the search engines and of having a higher pagerank itself.

So, how do we obtain backlinks of high quality pointing to our websites?

Submitting your website to various Internet directories can be useful and seocompany.ca list on their site the top forty in terms of inbound link quality. Number one is DMOZ, the Open Directory which has a pagerank of 8. DMOZ is the directory getting the most respect online today, especially as the websites it lists have all been positioned by human editors, not an algorithm. There is no automation with this directory, though it takes a long time to have a website included.

However, with a PR 8 it has to be worth the wait because the inbound link to your site will have such value. The main reason that DMOZ takes so long is because it is free, whereas most of the other directories levy a fee. Number two in the list is Yahoo with PR 7 with a charge of $299 per year. Lii at number 3 with a PR 7 is also free and there are four more in the top forty that are without charge too.

There are numerous other methods of creating high quality backlinks. Some experts encourage the writing and submission of articles in particular. Others recommend posting on forums and making comments on blogs. PageRank is also of importance when using what has become known as article marketing. There are hundreds of article directories that you can submit your article to but the sheer number of backlinks is not what it's all about; it's the quality.

EzineArticles.com with a PR 6 is the obvious place to start because of the value of that inbound link. Before you go out and buy an article submitter tool, do some research online and determine which directories have the best PR and use them. Do not submit the same article to each one as the search engine spiders will identify your articles as duplicate content and ignore them. Take the trouble to "spin" your articles by making subtle changes to please the spiders and thereby get better rankings.

If you want to read more about pagerank and backlinks, visit the original author of this article.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Search Engine Optimization

To have a successful online home business or earn money online from home, various things need to be done to achieve that. One of the most important aspect of and online home business is to have your website optimized for the search engines. If you are not in the Internet Marketing scene for too long, then you would have heard things like SEO, which is Search Engine Optimization.

The below article explains briefly what is SEO and why it is so important. For more info on this article, click here.

There are literally no hidden secrets about how you can rank high with all of the major search engines solely due to effective search engine optimisation methods being well documented.

By providing visitors with the most relevant and up-to-date information to match the search term that was used, search engines are able to offer the most appropriate websites or webpages. Search engines are sophisticated directories which contain complex algorithms to help users to quickly find the relevant websites or webpages based on a chosen word or a phrase. Users will expect the most updated and newest information to be returned.

Therefore by updating your website as often as you can, and by adding some extra materials to your website, it can help you get recognised by search engines that your website is developing well and regularly. This can help with your rankings.

In addition to constantly updating your site, you will need to employ some Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) across your site as it helps the search engine identify what your site and pages are about. SEO is a process that webmasters or website owners will employ to assist with their website's rankings. Competition is huge on the net and therefore you need to ensure that you are doing everything possible to help rank your website high.

As mentioned above, one the most effective methods to help rank your site higher is to provide high quality, regularly updated content consistently to your site. This is in addition to other SEO techniques such as generating inbound one-way links to your website and pages.

When writing content for your site, you need to ensure that you are using the targeted keywords and phrases within the content on the page. These need to be words and phrases that the visitor will use when they are performing their search with the search engine. By using more keywords in your content, there is possibly a higher chance is that online visitors may find your webpage when they are searching the net.

Remember that SEO is so important when developing your websites status. By writing high-quality, keyword rich content and creating links to your webpages from external sites, it will help develop and improve your websites popularity, ranking and overall, it should increase your online business and profit.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Article Marketing

Article Marketing
is one of the most important ways to get traffic to your website. But what is article marketing anyway?

Writing articles and submitting them on major article directory sites like Ezinearticles, Goarticles and IdeaMarketers is article marketing. There are many ways writing articles can drive traffic to your website.

The first of which is when people want to search for articles on these sites, they come across your article and read it. Links placed on your articles will direct them to your website and its a source of good free traffic.

Another way is if you've submitted your article on EzineArticles.com and a popular keyword appears on the search results, then you will also get traffic coming to your website. If you are asking which is the most popular article directory site, you guessed it right EzineArticles. Google absolutely loves Ezinearticles. If your article appears on it, chances are it will be on the first page on google search results.

Finally, whenever an article is published on article directories, anyone is entitled to download and republish it as long as the original author's details and link is attached. This will also drive free traffic to your website.

Once your articles get published on article directories, it will stay there for a long time and as long as it stays there you will continue to get traffic for at least a few years

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Build a Profit Generating Website Free

We all know that one very important thing to do to make money online is to have your own website. Basically a website should tell our customers about a product or service that we are promoting or selling. We've talked about what our website should have. The important things a website should have to make it look attractive to our viewers.

Sometimes getting the balance right can be difficult and it can take a while. It might take months or even years to get it just right to attract more viewers

I would like to introduce a ready made website which will definitely put you on the right track to start making money.

Now this doesn't happen immediately and it does take patience, determination and still some work on your part. The important thing to remember is to be realistic and money doesn't fall on your lap the moment you start this.

This is the plug in profit website. This entire website will be designed for you from start to finish. And all you got to do is follow the simple step by step guide that will help you gain success. Along with it, there are some bonus goodies which will further help you on your way to make money online. This website gives you an opportunity to earn from 5 of the MOST respected,MOST reliable and highest paying affiliate programs in the world.

Check it out here if you don't feel like reading any further.

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To get even more information about this website, don't wait. Click here and find out more.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Building a List

This articles is about building a list and why is it so important. Its a continuation from the previous article. I've taken this article from Ezine, written by Diane C Stephens

The most often suggested thing for the new Internet Marketer to do is "Build A List"! More easily said than done, which is often the case in Internet Marketing. If you are thinking - I need to make money fast, I don't have time to build a list, please think again. Although the end game in IM is making money, the steps required to set up a successful business take time. Of course you could immediately set up a sales page and try to make money today- and you might even make some sales. If your long term business plan is to earn residual income online, then it will benefit you to set it up correctly right from the start, and building a list of targeted prospects is the right first step. Why?

  • Targeted prospects - - Your list will contain only those people interested in your product. You won't waste your time trying to sell classical sheet music products (for instance) to people surfing for free ring-tones for their cell phones.
  • Recognition - - Your list will recognize you. People are more comfortable purchasing from someone they 'know' - - your list members will know you, or your brand.
  • Repeat sales - - After purchasing from you, and having a positive transaction with you, your customers will be even more willing to buy additional items from you.
  • Reciprocity - - Building your list, by offering free valuable information (which is the best way) will have those on your list feel as if they owe you something, for your contribution to their knowledge. They will become more likely to purchase.

Successful Internet Marketers state that over 90% of their income comes directly from people on their "list". In the long run, taking the time to set up your business for long term success, by concentrating on building a list of targeted prospects first, will enable you to capture that 90% of possible income! That is worth a slight delay in receiving your first sale.

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Feature Article: Make the Leap to Home Business Success

Take the right steps to your home based business now
Copyright © Bryan Wong, earnmoney-fromhome.com

Earn Money From Home

You might ask. How do you earn money from home? How do you have a successful home based business? There are many reasons why people venture into a home based business. They want to escape from the rat race they hate their 9 to 5 jobs, they hate working in a cubicle 24/7, they hate their bosses or some can only make enough money to survive but have barely enough to spend for anything else.

 Most people want to break out of their boring routine where they will most likely spend the next 30-40 years of their life doing almost the same thing although they might go up their career ladder and become bosses or CEOs one day.

If you are one of these people, chances are you might end up really frustrated, exhausted and you’ll be wondering what you have achieved working in such an environment for three to four decades of your life. Some would choose to continue with this daily routine while some want to try something else that may change the direction of your life which brings us back to the question of what is a home based business?

Basically a home based business does not necessarily mean working online from home to make money. You can have a business without using the internet for example people who are into AMWAY, Herbalife etc can make a living through a business all run from home.

What is essential in running a home based business? For the purpose of this website, let’s focus on a home based business using the internet.

If you want to earn money from home online, you must have the right mindset. As with all businesses, having the right mindset does make a whole lot of difference and this can be exemplified in people who are successful and those who have not make any money online.

What is this right mindset?

The answer to that encompasses a lot of things. But there are a few things you need to be successful.

The first is identifying a reason why you want to have a business at home. What is that single drive that motivates you to do something totally different than all the people around you. Is it curiousity? You are sick of your day to day job in the office? You want a better quality of life? For me I definitely want a better quality of life. I don’t want to be caught up in a mechanical lifestyle where all I do is work and have no time to myself and most importantly to the people I care about, my wife, my family. The important thing to note here is setting up a business online to earn money from home is not as easy as it seems. It is pure hard work. If you have seen all the gimmicks and testimonials of all those who have been successful, you have to wonder how they started. Did they start making thousands of dollars on the first day? The answer is a resounding NO.

Once you have the drive or motivation to start an online home based business, you need to take action. So many people are interested in earn money from home but they fail to take action. Words without action equates to nothing. As long as no action is taken, nothing changes.

So many people are “looking outside the ring” and afraid to enter. As Stone Evans put it, you must be willing to take the leap! Take action and learn from your mistakes. No Internet Marketer in the world became successful without making mistakes and learning from it. With every step you take to change things or improve you go one step further.

You may have doubts about whether or not this is a good time to start a business, or you may doubt your current level of marketing skill or knowledge or personal confidence to start a business. That is only natural and it is good to be cautious. 

However, you must also be careful not to let your self-doubts hold you back from achieving your dreams and aspirations. Remember if you have doubts, people who are successful today once had theirs too but they took action and they were willing to take steps to change.

Taking action without having a sense of confidence or faith in what you are doing does not help you either in your business. I am talking about believing in yourself. If you don’t believe that you can do it, then you can’t do it. I’m sure you have heard about the law of attraction.

I personally don’t believe everything that’s been said in Rhonda Byrne’s discovery of “The Secret”. But essentially, the whole idea of the law of attraction is you are what you think. If you think that you are going to fail than you most certainly will fail. I won’t go into the details of all the psychology behind this. To put this into perspective, if you believe you can succeed in your business, you will succeed but remember to take action. Having a strong sense of belief, taking action and identifying why you want to start an online home based business will certainly keep you in the right direction to earn money from home.

To Your Success!


Bryan Wong

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